Thursday, February 9


Yes we watched the Super Bowl. No we didn't want the Patriots to win. In fact we didn't want the Pats or the Giants going to the Super Bowl!

Paul made this shirt to sport our true feelings about game day. Good thing most our friends are actually out-of-staters like ourselves.


Let me rant just a little bit... Almost every Sunday service that I can think of during football season the Patriots are mentioned in the sermon. That's not just one crazy New Englad football pastor, it's a handful! I'm not even joking you! One pastor went so far to parallel Jesus and Tom Brady. WHAT? "We worship Jesus like we do Tom Brady".... I think you got it the other way around there buddy.

New England has a sick problem for the Pats and I loved seeing them lose in the Super Bowl. Even if it was to another east coast team I don't like. They lost, ha! Yes, that's to the little family I saw at the grocery store wearing matching Brady jerseys–like three little red, white and blue ducks following their football-crazed, Pat-loving Pappy.

NEWS: We are looking for new apartments. Yes already! We cannot take out neighbor any longer plus we would like to get a puppy at some point and our lease doesn't allow dogs–no matter how much I begged to our landlady. Finding apartments for under $1000 that allow small animals, and not a crapper is near impossible. We finally made it to the RMV and our new licenses should be here soon.

1 comment:

  1. Loved seeing a new blog post. Missed your posts. Love the t-shirt, Paul!

    Hope you find something for well under a $1,000!

